Interdrought VI Conference
Digital Resources

Addressing the challenges of food production
in a water-stressed world
Interdrought 2020 is the sixth international congress (IDVI) of the Interdrought series that seeks to find solutions to increase agricultural and water productivity in a hotter and drier world.
Welcome to Interdrought 2020 (IDVI)
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the digital platform for the sixth Interdrought Congress (IDVI), which facilitates the development of concepts, methods and technologies associated with plant production in water-limited environments. Droughts affect crop production across the world. A central challenge for researchers and policymakers is to devise technologies that lend greater resilience to agricultural production under this particular environmental stress. This congress addresses the latest developments relevant to this global challenge.
As it was not possible to proceed with the IDVI Congress as a face-to-face meeting in Mexico City in March 2020 due to travel restrictions associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the organising committee has developed this digital platform to deliver the scientific program to registrants and other interested parties. The presentations deliver the state of the science on this topic. We hope you find them informative and useful. We thank the sponsors of IDVI for maintaining their support for this process.
IDVI builds on the successful series of Interdrought congresses in Montpellier 1995, Rome 2005, Shanghai 2009, Perth 2013, Hyderabad, 2017. IDVI embraces the philosophy of presenting and integrating results of both applied and basic research towards the development of solutions for improving crop production under drought-prone conditions.
Since the yearly face-to-face meeting had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions, the IDVI organizers, CIMMYT and University of Queensland, decided to launch this website and provide access to conference proceedings to all.
Director General of CIMMYT, Dr Martin Kropff, discusses the importance of working toward a wide range of solutions that improve agricultural production under heat and drought and other environmental stresses. Watch his welcome video, access the rich contents of the congress website and join the development of drought solutions for agriculture.
IDVI is organised around the following thematic sessions:
Session 1:
Session 5:
Session 7:
Each session has internationally recognised keynote speakers and they are supported by 9 symposia convened by global experts on topics related to these sessions.
We hope that you enjoy the comprehensive scientific program presented. All presentations can be accessed via the links through the session and symposia programs.
In addition, it is our pleasure to announce that as a consequence of our inability to have a face-to-face meeting of this research community for IDVI in Mexico, Interdrought VII will be advanced by one year for conduct in Dakar, Senegal in November 2022. A message from the IDVII team is included HERE.
Graeme Hammer and Mark Cooper
IDVI Congress Chair and Deputy Chair on behalf of IDVI organising and program committees
Session 1: Global Perspective on Water, Crops, Drought
Keynote Speaker: David Lobell – Stanford University, USA
Topic: ID 1262 – Is the importance of water-limited environments to global food security growing?
Session 2: Optimising dryland crop production – crop design
Keynote Speaker: Amelia Henry – IRRI, The Philippines
Topic: ID 1239 – Drought screening of rice diversity panels and the bridge to breeding
Keynote Speaker: Charlie Messina – Corteva Agriscience, USA
Topic: Predictive breeding and agronomy enables design for crop success
Symposia for Sessions 1 and 2
Envirotyping and G*M*E approaches to drought adaptation
Convenor – Karine Chenu (Univ Qld, Australia)
Understanding crop environments to adapt management practices and assist breeding | Karine Chenu (University of Queensland, Australia) | Abstract ID no | |
Characterizing abiotic stresses to assist cultivar evaluation and agronomic recommendations | Jean-Charles Deswartes (Arvalis, France) | Abstract ID 1265 | |
Dissecting G×E and QTL×E of maize yield in contrasting scenarios of light, heat and water deficit | Emilie Millet (Wageningen Plant Research, The Netherlands) | Abstract ID no | |
Optimizing genotype x agronomic management interaction to enhance water productivity in wheat | Mina Devkota (ICARDA, Morocco) | Abstract ID 1259 | |
Drought-induced nitrogen deficit amplifies the effect of water stress | Ignacio Ciampitti (Kansas State Univ., USA) | Abstract ID 1324 |
Designing crops for heat and drought adaptation
Convenors – Krishna Jagadish and Ignacio Ciampitti (Kansas State Univ, USA)
Drought adaptation: Insights from species comparison among C4 cereals | Vincent Vadez (IRD, Montpellier, France) | Abstract ID 1242 | |
Combining eco-physiology, phenomics and crop modelling to enhance daytime and nighttime water-saving in cereal crops | Walid Sadok (Univ of Minnesota, USA) | Abstract ID 1048 | |
Comparative assessment of heat stress responses in field crops | Krishna Jagadish (Kansas State Univ, USA) | ||
Higher sowing density of sorghum and pearl millet saves water and increases crop productivity in the semi-arid tropics | Raphaël Pilloni (ICRISAT, India) | Abstract ID 1206 | |
Comparison of traits relevant to drought resistance of NERICA, Asian rice and African rice and differences in effects of potash and phosphorus fertilizer. | Michihiko Fujii (Shizuoka University, Japan) | Abstract ID 1278 |
Phenotyping for drought-related traits
Convenor – Scott Chapman (Univ Qld, Australia)
Statistical and dynamical modelling across scales to improve precision, accuracy and utility of phenotyping | Scott Chapman (Univ Qld, Australia) | ||
Field phenotyping tools for drought | Katia Beauchêne (Arvalis, France) | Abstract ID 1291 | |
Combined studies of advanced high-throughput phenotyping and association mapping reveal the genetic architecture of maize drought tolerance | Minqui Dai ( Cornell Univ, USA) | Abstract ID 1129 | |
Field high-throughput screening of natural genetic variation in photosynthetic traits in durum wheat | Nicolas Zendonadi (Juelich, Germany) | Abstract ID 1264 | |
Quantifying drought tolerant crop traits using sensing technologies to enhance selection in sorghum breeding | Andries Potgieter (Univ. Qld., Australia) | Abstract ID 1164 |
Session 3: Plant productivity under drought: Water capture, transpiration, and transpiration efficiency
Keynote Speaker: Guillaume Lobet – Research Center Juelich and the Université Catholique de Louvain, Germany/Belgium
Topic: ID 1248 – How can we use computational models to extend our understanding of water relations in plants
Keynote Speaker: Julian Schroeder – University of California, San Diego, USA
Topic: How plants sense the continuing CO2 increase to narrow stomatal pores and regulate water loss
Session 4 : Plant productivity under drought: Vegetative and reproductive growth
Keynote Speaker: Maria Otegui – University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Topic: ID 1258 – Maize grain yield in contrasting production systems of Argentina: drought occurrence and kernel number determination
Keynote Speaker: Francois Tardieu – INRA, Montpellier, France
Topic: Genetic analysis of yield in drought-prone areas with a scenario-dependent probabilistic approach
Symposia for Sessions 3 and 4
Physiological traits for drought adaptation
Convenor – Matthew Reynolds, Jill Cairns (CIMMYT, Mexico & Zimbabwe)
Trait targets of the Heat and Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium (HeDWIC) | Matthew Reynolds (CIMMYT, Mexico) | Abstract ID 1143 | |
Genotype variation in whole-plant transpiration efficiency in sorghum only partly aligns with variation in stomatal conductance. | Erik van Oosterom (University of Queensland, Australia) | Abstract ID 1013 | |
Staying green: Changing how crops use water | Andrew Borrell (Univ. Qld, Australia) | Abstract ID 1038 | |
Tapping large genetic variation in water use, grain yield related traits in the sorghum minicore collection | Murugesan Tharanya (ICRISAT, India) | Abstract ID 1252 |
Enhancing crop water use efficiency
Convenors – Andrew Leakey (Univ Illinois, USA)
Legume crop design for higher water use efficiency: a special case or cause for concern? | Caspar Chater (University of Sheffield, UK) | Abstract ID 1195 | |
Combining real time transpiration phenotyping to omics: the key to mine biodiversity for water use efficiency? | Sebastien Carpentier (Bioversity, Belgium) | Abstract ID 1097 |
Root system architecture for drought adaptation
Convenor – Roberto Tuberosa (Univ. Bologna, Italy)
Uncovering new mechanisms regulating root architectural responses to water deficit | Malcolm Bennett (Univ Nottingham, UK) | ||
Unraveling dynamic belowground phenotypes of crop plants | Josefine Kant (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany) | Abstract ID 1295 | |
Transcriptomic approaches to uncover the molecular mechanisms of maize nodal root growth | Shannon King (Univ. Missouri, USA) | Abstract ID 1118 |
Posters for Sessions 1 to 4
Global Drought-Induced Crop Losses During 1983-2009 | Wonsik Kim | Abstract ID 1182 | |
Emerging effects of root hairs and soil properties on transpiration and leaf water potential under soil drying and increasing VPD | Tina Koehler et al | Abstract ID 1138 | |
Genetic Dissection of Root Architecture in Ethiopian Sorghum (S.bicolor, Moench) Germplasm | Kassahun Bantte et al | Abstract ID 1190 | |
Understanding mitigation of drought damage to rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) from sprays of film antitranspirants at different dose rates | Jie Xiang | Abstract ID 1225 | |
Plant hydraulic mechanisms underlie greater productivity under drought in grain crops | Louise Comas et al | Abstract ID 1233 | |
Representing systemic and novel approach to assess drought adaptation in region specific peanut and to accelerate crop improvement program | Seltene Abady et al | Abstract ID 1236 | |
Genetic variation in screening upper mid-south soybean lines for a drought tolerant trait: The limited transpiration rate (TRlim) | Avat Shekoofa et al | Abstract ID 1247 | |
Root water uptake profiles in response to increasing soil water gradients | Dagmar van Dusschoten et al | Abstract ID 1281 | |
Comparative yield physiology of spring and winter wheat in a semiarid Mediterranean environment | David Cann | Abstract ID 1203 | |
Using UAV Measurements to Phenotype Drought and Heat Stress in Wheat | Karolin Kunz et al | Abstract ID 1207 | |
A rapid and non-destructive method to modify root architecture in crops | Charlotte Rambla et al | Abstract ID 1287 | |
A micro-UAV-based prototype for high resolution phenotyping under hydrocarbon-induced plant stress | María Dolores Guevara-Espinosa et al | Abstract ID 1319 | |
Traits measured in a phenotyping platform account differentially for the genetic variability of yield under heat and drought scenarios | Claude Welcker et al | Abstract ID 1301 | |
Drought and heat stress precision platform for wheat phenotyping | Carolina Saint Pierre et al | Abstract ID 1313 |
Session 5 – Breeding for water-limited environments
Keynote Speaker: Marianne Banziger – CIMMYT, Mexico
Topic: ID 1328 – Breeding for drought tolerance – what we have (not) learnt?
Keynote Speaker: Ruilian Jing – CAAS, Beijing, China
Topic: ID 1193 – Discovering favourable gene resources for improving drought tolerance of wheat
Session 6 – Managing cropping systems for adaptation to water-limited environments
Keynote Speaker: James Hunt – Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Topic: ID 1331 – Transformational agronomy: exploiting synergies in management x genotype interactions to increase water productivity in grain cropping systems
Keynote Speaker: Jana Kholova a – ICRISAT, India
Topic: ID no?? – Cross-disciplinary efforts to support crop improvement in complex SAT environmentss
Symposia for Sessions 5 and 6
Breeding for adaptation in water-limited environments
Convenor – Gary Atlin (BMGF, Seattle, USA)
Managed-Environments: Taking aim at the Target Population of Environments | Mark Cooper (Univ Qld, Australia) | Abstract ID 1307 | |
Wheat breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses tolerance at ICARDA targeting CWANA and SSA regions | Wuletaw Tadesse (ICARDA, Morocco) | Abstract ID 1192 |
Transgenic approaches to drought adaptation
Convenors – Jeff Haben (Corteva, USA)
A novel transgenic approach using a maize gene to improve yield in maize | Jeff Haben (Corteva, USA) | Abstract ID 1268 | |
HB4, a climate-resilient trait for soybean and wheat | Geronimo Watson (BioCeres, Argentina) | Abstract ID no | |
Interactions between stomatal and mesophyll function in wheat with reduced stomatal density | Jennifer C. Quebedeaux (Illinois, USA) | Abstract ID 1294 |
Crop design for drought adaptation
Convenor – Vincent Vadez (IRD, France
Designing sorghum cultivars to fit a water-constrained context and optimize return from a sorghum value-chain | Vincent Vadez (IRD, France) | Abstract ID 1241 | |
Genetic diversity of plant responses to environmental constraints for current and future E x M scenarios | Boris Parent (INRA, Montpellier, France) | Abstract ID no | |
ASALEE, a conception tool for farmer crop rotation concerning water quantity availability | Sophie Gendre (Arvalis, France) | Abstract ID 1208 |
Posters for sessions 5 and 6
Genomic Basis of Climatic Adaptation in Sorghum Landraces of Ethiopia | Temesgen Menamo et al | Abstract ID 1067 | |
Genome-wide association studies for plant production traits under drought in Ethiopian Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. [Moench]) landraces | Zeleke Wondimu et al | Abstract ID 1073 | |
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Drought Tolerance in Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Using Three Connected F2:3 Mapping Populations | Techale Birhan Mekonnen et al | Abstract ID 1076 | |
Increasing root biomass production in European winter wheat for improved drought-stress tolerance | Stjepan Vukasovic | Abstract ID 1104 | |
Effect of Trait Heritability, Training Population Size and Marker Density on Genomic Prediction Accuracy Estimation in 22 bi-parental Tropical Maize Populations | Ao Zhang et al | Abstract ID 1146 | |
Marker-Assisted Selection for Drought Tolerance in Wheat | Pushpendra Kumar Gupta et al | Abstract ID 1165 | |
Selection of drought tolerance lines for water limited environment in maize | Jungheon Han et al | Abstract ID 1238 | |
Ratio of kernel Δ13C/δ18O improves the selection potential of bread wheat for increased grain yield under different water regimes: A physiological perspective for direct application in wheat breeding | Jatinder Singh Sangha et al | Abstract ID 1253 | |
Multi-environment genome prediction of winter bread wheat in response to French drought stress | Delphine Hourcade | Abstract ID 1254 | |
The role of cis-regulatory variation in adaptive drought responses in chickpea | Susan M. Moenga et al | Abstract ID 1271 | |
Did a common genetic gain across environmental scenarios increase drought tolerance of hybrid maize (1950-2015)? | Nadir Abusamra Spencer et al | Abstract ID 1300 | |
A transcriptomics approach to discern molecular differences in distant durum varieties that have been commercially grown in Canada | Paula Ashe et al | Abstract ID 1312 | |
Conservation agriculture increases maize production in the dry regions of Mexico | Simon Fonteyne et al | Abstract ID 1017 | |
Long-term evaluation of tillage methods in fallow season for soil water storage, wheat yield and water use efficiency in semiarid southeast of the Loess Plateau | Min Sun et al | Abstract ID 1191 | |
Progress on water saving and high efficiency cropping system in mountainous area of Southwest China | Zhang Xiong et al | Abstract ID 1214 | |
Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on drought tolerance of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) | Alexandre Grondin et al | Abstract ID 1224 | |
Savings of irrigation water and N fertilizer inputs for direct seeded rice in dry and wet seasons during El Niño period in Central Colombia | Akihiko Kamoshita et al | Abstract ID 1249 | |
Agroecological characterization of drought-prone rice production in non-system tanks of South India | Akihiko Kamoshita et al | Abstract ID 1250 | |
Results from farmers’ fields: technologies developed to improve maize productivity | Nele Verhulst et al | Abstract ID 1266 | |
Physiological basis of genotypic response to management in dryland wheat | Amanda Silva et al | Abstract ID 1306 | |
Climate resilient Cropping systems for water-limited environments in an acidic Inceptisols of Assam, India | Pallab Kumar Sarma et al | Abstract ID 1321 |
Session 7 – Future perspectives
Keynote Speaker: Renee Lafitte – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA
Topic: ID 1326 – Global strategies for crop research in water-limited environments
International Program Committee
Graeme Hammer, Conference Chair, University
of Queensland, Australia
Mark Cooper, Conference Deputy Chair,
University of Queensland, Australia
Maria Otegui, University Buenos Aires,
Ruilian Jing, CAAS, China
Francois Tardieu, INRA, France
Rajeev Varshney, ICRISAT, India
Matthew Reynolds, CIMMYT, Mexico
Amelia Henry, IRRI, Philippines
Adam Price, University of Aberdeen, UK
Renee Lafitte, Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, USA
Roberto Tuberosa, University of Bologna,Italy
Organizing Committee
University of Queensland, Australia
Graeme Hammer, Conference Chair
Mark Cooper, Conference Deputy Chair
From CIMMYT Mexico
Aura Salinas: General Logistics
Barbara Maldonado: General Logistics
Geneviève Renard: Communications
Clyde Beaver: Communications
Marianne Bänziger: Overall Coordination
Hans-Joachim Braun: Overall Coordination
Matthew Reynolds: Field Day Program
Richard Fulss: Audio and Visual Equipment
Ricardo López: Digital Resources Platform
Roberto Rocha: Budget Oversight and
Rosalba Delgado: Field Day Logistics
Christal Gutiérrez: Legal